Getting Started

Stacker is an iOS view-controller to kickstart development of hybrid native/web iOS apps. Stacker was built to keep your navigation native while the rest of your app is driven by webviews using Stacker’s special URLs.

Inspired by this post by DHH: Hybrid sweet spot: Native navigation, web content

Built for: iPhones running iOS 7 & 8 (iPad support coming soon)

Running the demo

The demo application is a very simple Rails app called GameRoom. It’s designed to showcase Stacker’s features.

1. Run the demo web app

git clone
cd GameRoom
bundle install
rails s

Now open up a web browser and visit http://localhost:3000. You should see GameRoom running in your browser.

2. Run the example iOS app

Download Stacker and open the GameRoom iOS project which is in the Examples folder

$ git clone
$ cd Stacker/Example
$ open GameRoom.xcworkspace

Now compile and run your iOS app for an iPhone in the simulator. That’s it! You should be able to navigate around GameRoom. Look at the source code and change some of the URLs in the Rails app to see what happens.

Creating a StackerController

If you’re using CocoaPods:

In your Podile add:

pod 'LMStacker', :git => ''

And then run

$ pod install

Now in your XCode project:

// Import Stacker
#import "LMStackerController.h"

// Create a controller and point it to your web app's url
LMStackerController *myController = [[LMStackerController alloc] initWithURL:@"http://localhost:3000?x_page_title=Home"];

If you’re not using CocoaPods (you really should)

Download Stacker from Github, and then copy everything in the Lib folder into your XCode project. Finally copy and paste everything form the assets folder into your Supporting Files folder.

Next steps:

Coming soon:

  • iPad support
  • More than one right-hand navigation buttons
  • More robust ObjC API to interface with Stacker